Loops, Conditionals, and Until Statements in Ansible

Loops & Conditionals

Ansible, a highly flexible automation tool, is designed to simplify and organize complex operations. Essential components like loops, conditionals, and until statements are pivotal in controlling playbook task sequences, enabling responsive and efficient automation processes. By leveraging these features, tasks within playbooks can respond dynamically to different conditions, making automation workflows both adaptable and efficient. This guide delves into these core features, offering practical advice for their effective use in automation tasks.

Watch the video below for a quick overview and visual walkthrough of using loops, conditionals, and until statements in Ansible, helping you get a clear understanding before diving into the details.

Using Loops in Ansible

Loops allow the repetition of tasks for multiple items, enabling efficient task execution without redundancy. Ansible offers several loop structures, such as with_items, loop, and until, to facilitate the management of repetitive tasks.

For instance, to install multiple packages in a single task, loops are particularly useful. Here’s an example:

- name: Install multiple packages
    name: "{{ item }}"
    state: present
    - httpd
    - vim
    - curl

In this example, each item in the list (e.g., httpd, vim, curl) is iteratively installed, saving time and avoiding redundant task definitions. Loops in Ansible not only simplify task repetition but also reduce the overall complexity of playbooks.

Leveraging Conditionals in Ansible Playbooks

Conditionals in Ansible provide a mechanism to run specific tasks only when certain conditions are met. The when statement is commonly used for this purpose. Conditionals enhance playbook flexibility, allowing it to adapt dynamically based on different conditions or variables.

Consider a scenario where a task needs to be executed only if the operating system is RedHat. The conditional statement can be used as follows:

- name: Ensure a specific service is running on RHEL
    name: firewalld
    state: started
  when: ansible_facts['os_family'] == "RedHat"

In this example, the task will run only if the system is based on RedHat, making it highly targeted and avoiding unnecessary actions on other platforms. Conditional statements, therefore, make Ansible playbooks adaptable to various environments.

The Power of Until Statements

Ansible’s until statement is designed to retry a task until a condition is met. It is particularly valuable for tasks that depend on external factors or take time to complete. Using until statements helps ensure that a task proceeds only when specific requirements are met, enhancing the robustness of automation workflows.

For example, the until keyword can be used to wait until a service becomes active, retrying the task at specific intervals:

- name: Wait until a service is active
  ansible.builtin.command: /bin/true
  register: result
  until: result.rc == 0
  retries: 5
  delay: 10

In this case, the task will retry every 10 seconds, up to 5 times, until the command completes successfully. This feature is especially useful when dealing with services that require a brief period to become available.

For more detailed information about ansible loops and conditionals check official documentation.

Best Practices for Loops, Conditionals, and Until Statements

Incorporating loops, conditionals, and until statements effectively requires a structured approach:

  • Use loops to minimize repetitive code and streamline package installations, file management, and other repetitive tasks.
  • Implement conditionals to control task execution based on environmental factors, reducing the chances of errors in diverse system configurations.
  • Utilize <strong>until</strong> statements to ensure task dependencies are met, particularly for services that require waiting or checking status.

By following these best practices, playbooks are made more efficient, resilient, and adaptable to different environments and conditions.


Ansible’s loops, conditionals, and until statements are essential for creating flexible and reliable automation scripts. Loops simplify repetitive tasks, conditionals enable selective execution, and until ensures dependencies are met before progressing. When combined, these features significantly enhance the functionality and adaptability of Ansible playbooks, making them a valuable asset in any automation strategy.

To check out my other blogs on Ansible and its components – click here.

If you’re new to Ansible or looking to dive deeper, check out my Ansible Playlist on YouTube for step-by-step tutorials.

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